Donald Trump: A True Love/Hate Relationship

Published on 19 September 2024 at 09:37

I read an op-ed in 2020 that stated the obvious: Donald Trump is one of those guys that folks either love or hate. There is very little calm middle ground in the relationship. The things he says and does to rile up his devout followers are the same things that Liberals absolutely despise. In short, when he “owns the Libs,” they are truly owned (as in pissed off and fired-up), and his followers eat it up. Those of us in the Middle who try not to love or hate anyone, and try to look solely at the issues? Good question: I guess we’ll find out again in November.

Did you notice his comments regarding the phone calls he got from Biden and Harris after the recent assassination attempt? The report is that he was genuinely moved by the care they showed, but when he brought it up in a campaign rally, his followers booed. Of course, I’m sure he knew that’s how they would react to the weak human empathy shown by the “enemy.” And of course, he has since returned to his outrageous, incendiary attacks on Harris and Walz.

I am personally glad that he cannot make the transition to a more-acceptable personality; he literally “does not have it in him.” If he had had a genuine and humbling “come to Jesus” moment—and you’d think that two attempts on his life would be enough to do it—he would be absolutely unbeatable in November. As it is, even if he honestly tried to turn over a new leaf, he simply would not be believed. Plus, a lot of his MAGA followers would likely revolt, since his bullying ways are what they like about him. He knows which side his toast is buttered on.

At a time when election-related tensions are only increasing, we don’t need anybody riling up anybody else! Two assassination attempts! I believe that if either candidate gets assassinated between now and election day, it will be due to the uncontrolled love or hate of one person: Donald Trump. I am also concerned about the time period between election day and inauguration day. No matter who wins, we have some difficult days ahead of us thanks to that man. What a wonderful influence he is!

It is my contention that America doesn’t need a leader who incites such uncontrolled emotions, in either direction. We need one who will calmly do his/her job. Can we agree that it is the calm “Middle”—the swing voters—who ultimately make the difference in a tight race? Neither Party has a clear majority to win an election. It is only through things that appeal to the Middle that either Party can hope to win. Achieving that Middle-ground appeal takes compromise among the various factions of a Party, just as keeping dualistic American democracy alive means finding compromise between the major Parties. Extremists on either side make it more difficult than it has to be; their numbers do not merit the outsize voice that they now have.

Is there a provable correlation between “middle class” and the political “Middle?” It wouldn’t surprise me if there was. Folks at either extreme of the poverty/wealth spectrum have good reasons to be fired up for one candidate or the other, just as those on the political extremes. Those of us in the Middle are mostly satisfied with the status quo, and are generally accepting of a President from either Party. Hey, “I got mine”; what more do I need?

Trump didn’t do himself any favors by selecting a MAGA firebrand as his running mate! He already appealed to that hateful minority. What he needed to do was pick a moderate to help cement his appeal throughout the Party (and among at least some of the Middle), which is why he chose an experienced, mainstream politician last time. I would dare say that Pence’s calming influence helped Trump get elected in the first place, and had a literal “moderating” effect on his actions, climaxing in his refusal to break the law on his behalf on January 6.

That moderation won’t happen with Vance; he will simply amplify Trump’s hateful message. Imagine him saying “I don’t know boss; you really think you should do that?” Just as I’m glad Trump can’t turn over a new leaf, I’m glad he didn’t pick a moderate: that alone should make him lose the race. But if they win, look out! We WILL have that hateful, extremist MAGA paradigm shoved down our throats. And Christian Nationalists will be that much closer to their dream of a “Christian America.” Careful what you ask for! If you think I’m exaggerating, then you and I need to revisit this a year from now; for the sake of democracy, I sure hope you’re right.

In the case of a Trump victory, we can only hope that mainstream “RINOs” will say “what have we done?” and will try to keep the love/hate-monger under control—at least before he can “drain the swamp” and get rid of anyone who opposes him (including his hated RINOs). Wow, you’d think I was talking about a 3rd World country here! That’s what love/hate will get you. You know the Left will fight him tooth and nail for the next four years just because, even if he does manage to do a good job.

Whether or not you believe that Kamala Harris will actually be able to build up the middle class as promised, that platform has more power than most folks realize. It’s a direct play for the Middle, who again are the ones who tip the election scale. I believe that Harris is watching out for US much more than she is herself. She is also not a love/hate-monger by any measure.

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